Turning Point in History

Just like everyone else around the world, my everyday life has become obsessed with the Coronavirus. And it has become even more obsessive because I'm in Seattle, one of the largest hotspots in the United States.

Things are weird now, that's how it feels. I work/worked in the service industry, not because I can't get a "real job" but because working at this game store and being their social media manger brings me a lot of joy.  I've had the "real job" and I hated it, and right now said "real job" would fall under the same non-essential category.

About a week ago Seattle finally decided to put us under Stay-at-Home orders, and my job fell under non-essential.  And all of a sudden I found myself basically jobless.  For over 2 weeks, I've been trying to file for temporary unemployment, and I can't get through to the offices.  I realize that they are overwhelmed by everyone filing.  But this adds such a sense of fear to my life.  Will I be able to make rent? Will I be able to feed not only myself but my pets? I'm living through a moment is some kids future textbook.

I've done this, I've lived through multiple moments in a kid's textbook, 9/11, Katrina and now this global pandemic.  It's a weird sensation to know that when my niece and nephews ask about this time period I'll have stories to tell.  Sure most of them will be what I watched or did while I was locked inside of my safe apartment, but some of them will consist of the fear I face when I meet another person in a public space.  Is that person sick? Are we 6 feet away from one another? Will I get them sick? Will I be the reason that their mother or grandmother passes away? Are my hands clean? Where's my mask? Does my mask even work? These run through my head constantly. 

This has done a number on my anxiety.  I've started to wash my hands so many times that they start to crack and bleed.  I'm constantly afraid of coming in contact with a stranger.  Like I said, this is a weird time.

Will we ever get back to normal? Will we get to wait for 20 minutes for a table at a restaurant? Will we get to stand on a crowded bus and know that at least we are going to work? Will we get to see our friends again? If I knew that the last time I hugged my friends or my niece would be the last time for awhile, I would have held on to them a little longer.  I would have walked a little slower in the wind holding my niece and laughing at the wind. 

We have come to a turning point as humans, we can choose to live our lives in a few different ways. I chose for this to be the moment in the movie of my life where I did things I'd be proud of.  How will you treat this moment?

Stay safe and healthy


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